EFN - Press Release

Ο ΕΣΝΕ ως μέλος του European Federation of Nurses, ενημερώνει τα μέλη του και τους συναδέλφους νοσηλευτές ότι απονεμήθηκε προς τιμή των νοσηλευτών το βραβείο 2020 European Women's Award.

The European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN) is proud to announce that the EU nurses have been awarded the prestigious  2020 Women of Europe Awards, in the ‘Woman in Action’ category.

The EFN, representing 3 million EU and 6 million European nurses, has been nominated by the European Women’s Lobby for the nurses instrumental role and exceptional commitment to working on the frontline during the COVID-crisis, providing expert care 24/7 at  the bedside of patients, in the most difficult unprecedented circumstances, risking their own lives and that of their loved ones.

Throughout this COVID-19 crisis, the important lifesaving work that frontline nurses do daily has been brought to the forefront and Europeans across the continent are aware and appreciate the invaluable nature of nursing.

Special mention is appropriate for  all the EFN Members - the National Nursing Associations in the EU and Europe - for their ongoing commitment to EFN and their relentless support within their countries  incredible and professional frontline nurses whose expertise and knowledge is central to saving lives and  comforting patients in extremely difficult working conditions, all the while maintaining essential support services to those who require healthcare.