All.Can Global Summit 2022

Dear All.Can Members, dear All.Can National Initiatives,

We are delighted to announce that registration is now open for our Global Summit 2022 via the following link.

Please feel free to publish the attached banner on your social media, using the sample post:

Registration now open for All.Can's virtual #GlobalSummitGlobal Summit 2022 - Taking actions:implementing efficiency in cancer care.

15 & 16 June 2022

Also, as you are aware, we are looking to showcase the valuable work done by our National Initiatives at the Global Summit.

For this reason, we encourage you to please take note of our summit draft programme and indicate your interest if feel your initiatives can be linked any of the four thematic sessions proposed and therefore showcased as best practice.

We remain at your disposal should you have any questions.

All.Can International Secretariat